Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thou Shalt Laugh 2

After watching the "Apostles of Comedy", my wife and I felt empowered to seek out more Christian comedy. The Apostles had restored our faith that good Christian comedy did in fact exist.

So we decided to take on "Thou Shalt Laugh 2." It was hosted by comedy legend Tim Conway. As the host, Mr. Conway made attempts at some short stand up routines. With all due respect to Mr Conway, stand up is not his strong suit at all. He needs to stick to what he does best, which is physical comedy.

Among the comedians featured in this video, is Victoria Jackson. I found her shrill voice to be very annoying. Her comedy was made up of very short 1 or two liners. Jokes like you would find on the internet or on the backs of bubble gum wrappers. She did some Blonde jokes, but they were very poor ones at best.

Bone Hampton was one of the funny ones of the video, though he still pailed in comparison with the Apostles of Comedy.

Dan Nainan was easily my favorite of this bunch. He set the stage very nicely as he started his bit with the question; "Just what race is this guy anyway?"

According to Dan, he is a mixture of Indian and Japanese. This combination alone opens itself up to a lot of potential comedy, which was the basis for his routine. Dan was a pleasure to watch on stage, but for some unknown reason, he seemed to have been given the shortest amount of time.

My second place, in the ranks funniness, goes to Taylor Mason. Taylor's main stay is ventriloquism. I really liked the part that he did with a puppet by the name of Romeo. Romeo had a wonderfully mischievous personality. I was much less impressed though with the other puppets that he used. He also did a bit without the dummies playing the piano. I find comics that try to play instruments and do stand up at the same time usually fail. Such was the case here as well.

Thor Ramey was the last comic to round out this odd grouping. He was also on video called the "Clean Stand Up Comedy Tour." I gave this one a pretty dismal review and rating. Thor has not improved at all.

If you really want good Clean Christian Comedy, dont both this this one. Get the Apostles of Comedy.

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